Wine is historically a good investment, but in order to make it a ‘sound investment’, great care must be taken over its maintenance, the supply chain and its integrity throughout its life.

Let’s discover the best practices Wine Wins puts in place to preserve your investment:

  1. We only buy from manufacturers and in some cases from fellow merchants of proven reliability.
  2. The wine is transferred directly to our Tax Warehouse in Bordeaux.

3. On arrival, the wine receptionists check the conformity of the order, pointing out any anomalies and providing high-resolution photographs of each package delivered.

4. The wine is kept in its original packaging at a controlled temperature and humidity (the warehouse is equipped with a climatic environment management system with checks every thirty minutes to ensure continuity and avoid any temperature fluctuations).

5. The warehouse is fully video monitored and the handling of the tills is done exclusively by the staff. Couriers or other people are not allowed to mobilise the goods.

6. Each package is marked with a UID (Unique Identifier), which allows you to uniquely assign the ownership of that specific case with each customer. This practice is essential to certify its ownership and prevent the same case of wine from being fraudulently assigned to multiple customers. Our client will have all the documents which indicate the codes of their wines.

7. All the wine held in the Bordeaux warehouse is covered by “ALL RISK” insurance with coverage of 110% of the value of the wine, at the time of its possible compromise.

We have relied on the two most important companies in the world in the management of fine wines. Liv-Ex takes care of transactions and handling and Dartess of storage and logistics. Dartess currently has 5 wine storage warehouses with a total floor area of ​​110,000 square metres.

We provide our customers with the SIB, acronym for Standard in Bond provided by Liv Ex which certifies the good state of maintenance of the wine and of the cases as well as certifying that the wine has always been stored ‘in bond’.

We never deal, except in cases in which a particular wine is unavailable on the European market, wines with American or Asian labels. These wines may have made very long journeys in less than optimal conditions. Furthermore, wines with Asian or US labels, at the time of their introduction into the secondary market, undergo a devaluation that compromises their value.